Volunteer for Child | Literacy

As a group who cares deeply for the cause of literacy and education, we have many challenges ahead of us. Child | Literacy is always looking to recruit more volunteers to further our cause. To our current and past volunteers we thank you. We appreciate and encourage your continued support. To those considering dedicating time to our cause, we have a number of voluntary positions we are looking to fill. Brief descriptions of our available positions and functions follow. Please note that for some roles geographic distances are not a constraint here as Child | Literacy is fairly decentralized.

We are currently seeking…

Executive Directors for

  • Literacy Programs
  • Fundraising
  • Strategic Initiatives
Directors for
  • Development
  • Literacy Programs
  • Alliances
  • Public Communication
Associate Directors for
  • Donor Relations
  • Information and Resources
  • Branding
  • Events
  • Web Strategy

Call or email us to schedule a preliminary interview in which we’ll discuss your interests, qualifications, and goals to ensure the best placement. We are glad to provide any clarifications in terms of roles and responsibilities.Also provided for your review are the following description of functions:

Finance, Administration and Compliance

Finance and Administration is responsible for taking financial and administrative decisions for the organization. It also includes matters related to accounting, compliance, and reporting.

Fundraising, Development and Donor Relations

Fundraising, Development, and Donor Relations is the function related to the accumulation of monetary or non-monetary resources for the organization. Development component of this function is related to the key developmental aspect of resource accretion. Donor Relations focuses on building effective and sustainable relationship with a donor base that is not only contributing but is also involved.

Information and Resources

This function involves research and knowledge gathering. Compilation of data and identifying literary resources that help the work of the organization are the key responsibility areas.

Literacy and Mentoring Programs

Literacy and Mentoring Programs is the function related to the structuring and deployment of educational programs. It also includes operations related to mentoring opportunities provided by us.

Promotion, Branding and Public Communication

Promotion, Branding and Public Communication strives to bring the name of Child | Literacy to public attention. It includes the functions related to strategic promotion, branding, and media communications. Web strategy is a key component of this function.

Strategic Initiatives, Expansion and Alliances

Strategic Initiatives, Expansion and Alliances concerns start of operations in new areas or countries. There needs to be a strategic consideration behind every expansionary decision. Further it deals with forging new alliances and taking new initiatives.

Strategy and Practice

Strategy and Practice is the core leadership function within Child | Literacy. Strategy determines the course of direction and growth path for the organization. Practice is the operational aspect of the organizational strategy. The officer/s in this function is/ are the key strategic decision makers for the organization. They are also responsible for process creation and process implementation.


Child | Literacy

(909) 515-0000

6475 E Pacific Coast Hwy PMB 2005
Long Beach, CA 90803


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